Cuma, Şubat 09, 2007

Volcano types: Stratovolcano Lava domes Pyroclastic cones Summit Elev: 4158 mLatitude: 38.92°NLongitude: 42.82°E Süphan Dagi is a 4158-m-high basaltic-to-rhyolitic stratovolcano located immediately north of Lake Van. A glacial icecap mantles the summit of the volcano, the 2nd highest in Turkey. During construction of the volcano andesitic-dacitic lava flows alternated with fluid basaltic flows, followed by construction of a large lava dome over the central vent. The flanks of the volcano are dotted with numerous lava domes and pyroclastic cones erupted along radial and circumferential fissures, particularly on the northern, souther, and eastern sides. The 1.5-km-wide, low-rimmed Aygirgölü maar was erupted on the lower southern flank. During the latest stage of activity, voluminous basaltic lava flows traveled as far as 30 km from the summit. Potassium-Argon dates for Süphan Dagi range from 2 to about 0.1 million years, but the latest basaltic eruption occurred about 10,000 years ago (Yilmaz et al., 1998).Larger photo with caption and credit.

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